Aaroha DDS 2010
Arun Kumar Kaushik B.Arch

1422, 13th Main Road, Annanagar West, Chennai - 600040
+91 044 26164862
[email protected]

Concept art, Story telling Graphic design, Animation, Film Making, Music and Illustration
Visit here for detailed work
Student project
Coffee - An Animated Short
Guide :
Prof. Sumant Rao

The story involves a tired father returning home on a quest for coffee, a mother who is equally tired after a long day's work, a son who is too immersed in video games to care about anything, and a grandfather who wishes he could be left in peace to watch cricket on television.

I wanted to capture through this film, the feeling of a family, the subtle relationships and behaviors that govern its dynamics, the way we often seem to be at odds as individuals but manage to work together as a unit
