Kulkarni Aditi Subram

BFA (Applied Art)

28A / 33, Takshila, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai 400 093
[email protected]
Culture studies, design research, socio-cultural anthropology, illustration, information and communication theory, rural India, development sector, dance, podcasting, voice-overs, films, travel, photo-inks.
Visit here for detailed work
Viju Master
A film on Jaihind Brass Band
Guide :
Prof. Mandar Rane, Prof. Sudesh Balan

Viju Master is a film about Wilson D'Monte and Jaihind Brass Band (Vasai) which he co-owns with his elder brother Blaze D'Monte.

This brass band has traveled from father to son for three generations.
It comprises of 20-25 people hailing from various professions for whom brass band is just a hobby.

The film hopes to open up the world of a brass band owner to everyone and draw one into the culture, traditions, beliefs and aspirations of the Samvedi community to which the musicians belong.
