Saurabh Tewari


C-2071/4, Sector-2, Indira Nagar, Lucknow 226016
[email protected]
Indian Culture and Tradition, Architecture & Design, its Education, Low-cost Innovations, Typography, Postmodernism, Song Writing & Music
Visit here for detailed work
A Travelling Exhibition on Laurie Baker, the Architect & Philosophy
Guide :
Prof. Kirti Trivedi
Architect Laurie Baker’s work lies in the relevant domain of indigenous geniuses. His wide variety of works handled with not so common ‘common sense’ is a boon for this century. Being an architecture student, I always heard and acknowledged Laurie Baker’s work, but never realised the strength of his way of building, which lie in the power of simplicity. So, I saw the Project-2 as an opportunity to present, to our generation, a relevant philosophy towards design and life. The travelling exhibition will begin its journey from the autmun of 2010 at an architecture school of Mumbai.