Saurabh Tewari


C-2071/4, Sector-2, Indira Nagar, Lucknow 226016
[email protected]
Indian Culture and Tradition, Architecture & Design, its Education, Low-cost Innovations, Typography, Postmodernism, Song Writing & Music
Visit here for detailed work
Summer project at
UNESCO, New Delhi

The Internship at Social and Human
Science Sector at UNESCO, New Delhi
included designing identity and
associated publishing material like
Posters, Guide and Brochures for their newest project named ‘Historic
Districts for All- India, a social and human approach for sustainable revitalization’. It is a global project which has considered examples of conservation throughout the world.
It suggests guidelines for City
Development, specially the cases like Historic Centers.

The multicultural experience at the office was a learning experience. The project also saw a translation process of a successful international project for the Indian Context.