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Indrani Medhi
Year of Completion - 2016
email: [email protected]
Software User Interfaces for Non-Literate and Semi-Literate Users'
Supervisor: Prof U. A. Athavankar
Susmita Sharma
Year of Completion - 2016
email: susmitasharma[at]iitb.ac.in
'Conceptualizing Visual perception for Form Generation'
Supervisor: Prof B K Chakravarthy
Gayatri Menon
Year of Completion - 2015
email: gayatrimenon[at]iitb.ac.in
'Conceptual framework for opportunity mapping in design'
Supervisor: Prof B K Chakravarthy
Nanki Nath
Year of Completion - 2015
email: nanki.nath[at]iitb.ac.in
Retail Signage in Indian Cities
Superviser : Prof Ravi Poovaiah
Koumudi Patil
Year of Completion - 2014
Surviving modernism- 'Investigating modernity in local craft narratives'
Superviser: Prof U. A. Athavankar
Farzan Kermaninejad
Year of Completion - 2013
email: farzankermaninejad[at]yahoo.com
Calligraphy in Mughal period in comparison with Iranian Calligraphy
Superviser : Prof Ravi Poovaiah

Prasad P Bokil
Year of Completion - 2013

'Understanding the grids in graphic design and exploring the intersystemic exchange of grids for innovation'
Supervisor: Prof Shilpa Ranade

Pramod S Khambete 
Year of Completion - 2013

'A Pattern Language for Design of Touch Point Ecosystems'
Superviser: Prof U. A. Athavankar

Aneesha Sharma
Year of Completion - 2012

'Phenomenon of 'Letting Go' in Visual Arts and Design'
Superviser : Prof Ravi Poovaiah
Sachin Datt
Year of Completion - 2012
email: sachindatt10[at]iitb.ac.in

Educational Story Design - 'Methodology for designing stories for knowledge transfer in Vocational education context'
Superviser : Prof Ravi Poovaiah

Parag Vyas
Year of Completion - 2012
email: paragvyas[at]iitb.ac.in

'Design Approach to Kundan Jewellery - Development of a Tool to Study Preferential Likeness of Articles Using Mother Grid and Form Clusters In a Methodical Manner'
Supervisor: Prof Vijay Bapat
Rajendra Patsute
Year of Completion - 2012
email: rajenp[at]iitb.ac.in

'Study of Power plant Control Room Ergonomics and
Development of Design Norms'
Supervisor: Prof G G Ray

D.Udaya Kumar
Year of Completion - 2011

Tamil Typography - 'Decoding the transformation from Tamil Palm leaf manuscripts to early letterpress printing'
Superviser : Prof G. V. Sreekumar

Girish Dalvi
Year of Completion - 2011

Structural Typography, Devanagari Typography
Superviser      : Prof G. V. Sreekumar
Co-Supervisor : Prof U. A. Athavankar

Nina Sabnani
Year of Completion - 2011

Story Telling and Narrative Structures -
'The unfolding of a Kaavad' for Learning
Superviser       : Prof Ravi Poovaiah
Co-Superviser  : Prof Jawaharlal Hando

Sherline Pimenta
Year of Completion - 2011
Visual Representation, Visual Narrative Structures - 'Exploring Modes of Visual Narratives (Static Form)'
Superviser : Prof Ravi Poovaiah


Research in many areas of design forms the backbone of IDC

Investigations into the conceptual and theoretical foundations of design process and methodologies have had implications on the way design is being thought at IDC. Investigations into social and cultural aspects have had a influence on design of many of the products and applications that have been undertaken in the department.

Besides application and project oriented research, the faculty's research interest include perception and cognition, visual semantics, collaborative learning environments, ergonomic investigation, Indian product and visual tradition, Bamboo material finishes, type and Indian languages, etc.

The specific research areas of faculty members are listed under faculty Areas. IDC has interdisciplinary research groups to work on specific key areas.

IDC has an academic program in design research at the doctoral level. Details here

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