DE 653 - Material and Manufacturing
DE 655 - Automobile Engineering and Technology
DE 663 - Sketching-1
DE 713 - Seminar and Critical Writing
DEP 701 - M.Des. Project- 1
DEP 703 - M.Des. Project- 3
DE 311 - Mobility and Vehicle Design
Areas of Research:
- Design for future,
- Design for marginal societies,
- Sustainable design,
- Bio-inspired design,
- Mobility design
Malhotra, S., Das, L.K. & Chariar, V.M. (2015). Classification of Forecasting Methods, Paper presented and published in Conference Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC) 2015, Bangalore, 12th-14th January, 2015.
Malhotra, S., Das, L.K., Chariar, V.M. (2014). Design Research Methods for Future Mapping, Paper presented and published in Conference Proceedings of Sustainability, Technology and Education (STE) 2014, Taiwan, December, 2014.
Malhotra, S. Ray, G.G. Zahid, F., "Study of blind people accessing public transport," Design for All, Vol.13 10:, 2018, pp.16-33
Malhotra, S. Namdeo, P. (2018). "First Response Vehicle for rural India," Design for All, Vol.13 10:, 2018, pp.36-54
Malhotra, S. Dinde, U. (2018). "Modular Mobility for Future," Design for All, Vol.13 10:, 2018, pp.57-71
Malhotra, S. Maiti, A. (2018). "Study of relationship between socio-cultural context and design education through comparative study of design institutes’ course curriculums of Germany and India," Design for All, Vol.13 10:, 2018, pp.74-92
Malhotra, S. (2018). "Design forecasting research and future design research possibilities," PhD research TU Braunschweig, 2019-03-07
PhD Dissertation
Malhotra, S. (2016). Framework for forecasting design possibilities (Doctoral dissertation).
Conference presentations
Malhotra, S. (2018). "Design forecasting research framework for future design possibilities", PhD research MADA, Monash University, Australia 2018-03-13
Malhotra, S. (2018). "Design forecasting research and future design research possibilities", PhD research TU Braunschwei 2019-03-07
Contact details:
Industrial Design Centre,
Indian Institute of technology,
Powai, Mumbai 400076
[email protected]