Niharika Manchanda

B.Des (Fashion & Apparel Design)

C-69, Shivalik, Panchseel Park,
New-Delhi: 110017
[email protected]
Typography, Illustration, Experience design, Interactive media installation, Representation of visual, audio, and textual information in
digital form, Visual Ethnography,
Origami, Accessory Design
Visit here for detailed work
Visual Voice
Exploring conversations
through typography

Guide :

           Prof. Mandar Rane

The project aims to understand how type becomes a voice by translating verbal communication into visual communication through typography.

The design process of the project consists of analyzing and executing a series of typographic expressions both in print and digital medium.

The project seeks to create typographic expression of conversations similar to a live performance. Just how actors perform on stage, type performs in a space and the audience becomes the reader.
