Aaroha DDS 2010
Ruchika Mittal
B.E. (Computer Sc.)

A-181 (F.F.) Shivalik, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110017
+91 9619553753
[email protected]
Interaction Design, Tangible User Interfaces, User Interface Design, Design Research, Usability, HCI, Information Visualization, Communication Design
Visit here for detailed work
Ajay Mittal
aniket sarangdhar
anirudha kadam
Kirti kanitkar
Mandar sarnaik
Priyanka Irle
Saurabh Srivastava
Shalini Tripathi
Shashank khanna
Shashwath V
Student project
Learning Aid for Illiterate
Guide :
Prof. Anirudha Joshi
The aim of the project was to design an interactive system which helps adult literacy learners to learn how to read Devanagri script and speeds up their learning process The design was required to be motivational, and self learning with less involvement of the teacher. It also gives users the flexibility to use the product anywhere and at any time.
The final design was a system which comprised of two modes - Learning mode, an interactive table and Practice mode, a mobile memory game. The test result showed that along with speeding up their learning, it also encouraged collaborative learning which enhances the learning experience.