Shashank Khanna  


D-20 Manohar Park, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi- 110026
+91 (0) 9323132822
[email protected]
User Experience Design, Usability, HCI, Design for Small Screen, Ethnography, Physical Computing, Prototyping, Communication Design, Information Visualization, Art, Architecture and Photography
Visit here for detailed work
Ajay Mittal
aniket sarangdhar
Kirti kanitkar
Mandar sarnaik
Priyanka Irle
Ruchuka Mittal
Saurabh Srivastava
Shalini Tripathi
Shashwath V
Supplementary Income
Generation Through Micro-Tasks
Guide :
Aishwarya Ratan, Bill Thies, Prof. Anirudha Joshi
Industry Sponsor:
Microsoft Research India

The micro-task market allows small tasks to be posted as requests on a web-based platform which can be completed for monetary rewards. In this study, we investigated the barriers to such services being accessible to large numbers of potential users in developing country locations. We calculated the effects of improved UI, instructions format, and language localization on the task completion and remuneration rates for micro-tasks, among low-income novice computer users.