Shashank Khanna  


D-20 Manohar Park, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi- 110026
+91 (0) 9323132822
[email protected]
User Experience Design, Usability, HCI, Design for Small Screen, Ethnography, Physical Computing, Prototyping, Communication Design, Information Visualization, Art, Architecture and Photography
Visit here for detailed work
Ajay Mittal
aniket sarangdhar
Kirti kanitkar
Mandar sarnaik
Priyanka Irle
Ruchuka Mittal
Saurabh Srivastava
Shalini Tripathi
Shashwath V
Research and Design: Mobile for Indian Youth
Guide :
Sena Park, Dhananjay Wagh, Sanket Magarkar
Industry Sponsor:
Samsung Design Delhi

Mobile for Indian Youth is done in four main stages: research on youth segment, understanding differences between global youth and Indian youth, development of Indian youth user segments through personas, and finally culminating with design ideas mapped on feasibility time graph. Some of these ideas will be part of upcoming mobile phones by 2010-2011. This realistic goal helped me to stay focused on current user needs and business needs to act on the opportunity areas figured out during research .