Kirti Hanumant Kanitkar

M.F.A. (Illust.)

Flat no. 4, Parag Society, B-Cabin,
Shivaji-Nagar, Naupada, Thane (w)- 400602
+91 9892066639
[email protected]
User studies & Ethnography,
Developing applications for Mobile devices, Tangible Interaction, Flash & Paper based prototyping, Usability Evaluation,Visualization,

Visit here for detailed work
Ajay Mittal
aniket sarangdhar
Mandar sarnaik
Priyanka Irle
Ruchuka Mittal
Saurabh Srivastava
Shalini Tripathi
Shashank khanna
Shashwath V
System Design for Virtual Adoption
Guide :
Prof. Ravi Poovaiah

The rapid growth of Adoption process facilitates designing better interactions between the Parents, Orphan homes & the children. The parents are unaware whom to approach, when the adoption process is concerned. The project mainly focuses on creating a database for adoption process that can be utilized across the orphan homes and this system design helps the parents, to gather correct information and approach their prospective kid/ orphan homes, in the most appropriate manner. The project went through cycles of design, prototyping and user evaluation. The final outcome was a web portal, ‘Anubandha’ which is developed using Axure & Photoshop software’s.
